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GPA Membership Newsfeed: Around Georgia: Member News

A Tribute to Congressman John Lewis

Tuesday, July 21, 2020   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Hannah Steinberg


My heart is so heavy.  We, here in Atlanta, have lost three giants this year; our brothers who have taught me to love--get angry, but make good trouble:  Joseph Lowery, C.T. Vivian, and now John Lewis.  As the Federal Advocacy Coordinator for Georgia one of the things I looked forward to each year was going to visit John Lewis' office in D.C.  His office was a museum.  My conversations with him were unbelievably uplifting.  He was one of the reasons why I became involved in leadership in APA--trying to make a difference.  He was OUR advocate.  I could always count on him to support our legislation--to improve access to adequate mental health care for ALL. 

When I got elected as President-elect of APA, I was excited to go to his office in March (just before the lockdown) to share the news.  Of course, he was not there because of his health challenges, but his staff was genuinely happy and proud of my success. His primary health staffer, Thomas Dorney, told me that they would do whatever necessary to help make my presidential year a success.  Thus, my primary presidential initiative will be Health Equity.

Although he was such a national and international figure, John Lewis' heart remained in Atlanta.  I could always count on seeing him at local events--the Peachtree Road Race, Health Fairs in downtown Atlanta, and numerous parades and community events.  Atlanta will not be the same.  But we must carry on and continue his fight.  For ALL to be treated with dignity, compassion and respect.

I hope to honor his legacy.  To continue to advocate for access to adequate mental health care for ALL.


Jennifer F. Kelly, PhD, ABPP

APA President-Elect 2020