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GPA Membership Newsfeed: Around Georgia: Member News

Meetings with Georgia Board of Examiners and ASPPB

Tuesday, October 6, 2020   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Hannah Steinberg

Mike Rose, the liaison between GPA and the Board of Examiners, and Gayle Spears, Executive Director of GPA, attended the virtual meeting of the BOE on September 25. The Board was especially interested in hearing about the response of Georgia psychologists to PsyPact and were heartened to learn that 89 of that group had applied for APIT (Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology) and another 9 for TAP (Temporary Authority to Practice).  We shared the good response to the PsyPact Town Hall, which had occurred on the 24th. In line with that area of discussion, the Board discussed issues Don Meck, former Board member who is now the chairperson of the PsyPact Commission, had asked the Board to consider in advance of the November meeting of the Commission.

On behalf of GPAGS and others, a letter to the Board had been sent in advance sharing problems applicants were experiencing with the ASPPB website while pursuing licensure.  The Board listened but recommended I take these concerns to ASPPB. The next Board meeting is October 30. Be reminded that the last meeting at which approval for applicants will be considered before the requirement for EPPP2 will be required. 

After the BOE meeting, Gayle Spears reached out to ASPPB regarding the delays applicants have reported in getting their applications through the approval process.  The ASPPB staff was very attentive to the concerns and shortly provided a thorough response.  There are several factors which have complicated the process.  There has been an increase in applications from Georgia.  Additionally, ASPPB has experienced email issues after replacing their firewall.  The email problems have been fixed and ASPPB has employed several temporary workers to assist in processing applications. 

It was encouraging and heartening that ASPPB staff were concerned and responsive to the expressed concerns.  Applicants should be seeing improvements.