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GPA Membership Newsfeed: Around Georgia: Member News

Update From the PSYPACT Commission Meeting

Wednesday, December 2, 2020   (0 Comments)
Posted by: Hannah Steinberg

The Director of Professional Affairs for GPA, Dr. Anita Brown, attended most recent meeting of the PSYPACT Commission meeting where the following items of interest were discussed:

  • It was reiterated that “home state” is where the PSYPACT EPassport holder is licensed. You must choose to list only one if you are licensed in more than one compact state. ANY infraction/violation from any state against your license will cost you your PSYPACT credential(s) as outlined in the PSYPACT rules. GPA’s interpretation of this based upon the discussion is as follows:
    • The credential holder must be aware of the laws that affect psychology practice for the state where you are sitting when doing your job (i.e. treating a patient) as it may be a violation of that state’s law to “practice” without being licensed in that state.
    • This applies both to non-EPassport holders as well as PSYPACT credentialed providers physically sitting in a non-compact state where the law describes this as a violation.
    • In addition, as the common inference seems to be for Georgia licensing law, even if it appears to be within the scope of a state’s Psychology license that you can sit outside of your licensing state and treat your in-licensed state patient, that provision is not be universal.
  • The Rules Committee of the Commission will be working on clarification and elaboration of a rules related to several areas, including the one described above.
  • The Commission has developed a policy for how psychologists can list their PSYPACT credentials on their vitas, websites, etc. This policy will be available via the PSYPACT website in the PSYPACT Commission Policies and Procedures Manual once it is finalized.
  • Also, they are beginning to work on a public directory to verify PSYPACT credentials but until it is available, PSYPACT staff is happy to provide any PSYPACT credentials verifications that are needed. Contact for additional information. 
  • Georgia’s own Dr. Don Meck was re-elected as Chair of the Commission for another term- Congratulations, Don!!


And more good news to share - ASPPB has extended the EPassport application fee ($400) waiver through January 31, 2021.