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Donations - Secure Online Donation Form

Campaign/Fund Information
Campaign/Fund * GPA Political Action Committee
or Select a Different Fund
This Site Secured By SSL Encryption
Donation Information
Donation Amount *
Payment Method * Credit Card
Donation Type *

Number of Payments *  
In honor of (name and email)
A donation in honor of a loved one, friend, or colleague is a unique way to acknowledge that extraordinary individual in your life. When a gift is received, GPA will send a personalized email to the person or family notifying them of your thoughtful donation but not revealing the amount of the donation.
Donor Comments
Donor Information
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Email *
Address *
Address Cont.
City/Town *
Country *
Postal Code*
Phone *
Billing Information
[ Click here if billing address is the same as donor address ]
Address *
Address Cont.
City/Town *
Country *
Postal Code*
Billing Phone *